"I Am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." John 6:35.
One of the main things about our Lord Jesus Christ is His heart of compassion. If you read the Bible carefully you will understand that the Lord Jesus is always moved deeply in compassion before reaching out to the people to minister to them. He cares for the people. He was compassionate then and He is still a God full of compassion today. He reached out to people and met their physical need of hunger for bread, and He also met their spiritual hunger for the bread of life.
Now, who is the Lord Jesus in your life? As for me I see Him as my Bread Of Life. Yes, the Lord is our bread of life and this is what He said in the Bible, "I Am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." John 6:35. What is the Lord telling us by saying, "I Am the bread of Life"? Ok, before we go into that, what is bread all about? Bread speaks about provision or something that could satisfy our need. Bread is a provision or something to bring life. So If He says "I am the bread" He is saying, "I Am Provision" or "I Am life". As a conclusion when the Lord says "I Am the bread of life" He is actually telling us something like this, "My Child I Am the provision, when You have Me you will have all things.
All your physical needs and spiritual needs will be met when You seek after Me and have Me because I Am the provision." If you want life much more abundantly, stop seeking after the temporary pleasure of this world but seek after the Lord who owns everything.On the occasion of the feeding of the 5000 (Read Mark 6: 32-44), the Lord Jesus instructed His disciples to feed the people, "You give them something to eat" Mark 6:37. When the disciples asked Him to send the people away, "Send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat" Mark 6:36. Why did the Lord instructed His disciples to feed instead of sending them off? This is because Jesus was trying to lead His disciples into a situation where He could test what kind of faith they really had.
The first response to the Lord Jesus' questions is from Phillip and Phillip responds much like many of us would. What does he worry about? He immediately worries about money, just like we do. "Eight months wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have even one bite." In the natural, Phillip was right because where in the world could they find the money to feed that many people. But in the supernatural, Phillip failed to see the the Bread of Life that was with him, the Lord Jesus Himself. Phillip put more faith in money to buy food than in the Lord Jesus as the Bread of Life to provide food for the people. Hadn't Phillip seen all the other miracles Jesus had already done? But Phillip does not yet have the faith to believe that the Lord can feed the big crowd.
Many times we are like Phillip too. We always look at the natural and we make our own conclusion. Today the Lord is asking you and me, "Do you believe that I can help you get the food you need to feed your family? Do you believe that I can provide for your financial needs? Do you believe that I can teach you and lead you in the way that you should go? Do you believe that I love you?" These are the questions that the Lord Jesus asked His followers over and over again in different ways. If you truly understand who He is, then your answer will be, "Lord, I believe You are more than able to do anything". Remember, don't seek after the gift but seek after the GIVER with all your heart. When you have the the GIVER or the PROVIDER Himself you will always have all that you need. He is truly your Bread of life.
Today's Prayer,
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for everything that You have done in my life. Thank You Father God, for giving Your only Son and sending Your Son into this world. Lord, because of You and Your finished work on the Cross of Calvary, You have given life and life much more in abundance. Lord, You are my Bread of life and I have everything in You alone. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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