Saturday, December 6, 2008

"Love is patient, love is kind." 1 Corinthians 13:4

The most important element in a happy Christian home is LOVE, but what many people think of love is really not the highest form of love of all. It is either 'eros', a feeling inspired by something attractive in its object, or 'phileo', a sense of comradeship and friendship. These sentiments can sustain a relationship for awhile and may even bring a degree of happiness, but if a couple aspires to achieve an abundant and abiding joy in their marriage, they will need 'Agape' love; God's kind of love.

'Agape' does not grasp after what it can get, but pursues only what it can give, and it keeps giving even when it gets nothing in return. Each one of us would want to be loved by someone and we always dream or imagine how someone would love us. Receiving love is one of the very basic and important emotional needs in our lives. Let me ask you a simple question, how do you want to love someone? Have you ever thought how you could love someone first instead of how someone could show you love?

We should first try to understand someone before expecting that someone to understand us. Make a difference today; learn to consider the other person. Thank God for the person that God has given you. Pray for your partner every day. Appreciate her or him with all your heart. Be patient and kind in your love. Love her or him from your heart not from your lips. Say what you really mean from your heart. Be gentle and tender hearted to one another. Let go of your pride and be humble to each other. A simple word of "I'm Sorry" and willingness to forgive each other will make your relationship beautiful again and again.

My Friend, it is normal to have arguments in relationships but the important thing is how you handle the arguments and issues in life. Talk about your problems but do not fight your problems. You might be saying this "Hey Benjamin, what do you know about love and relationship, since you are still not married and it is easy for you to say all these things?". Relax my friend, do I need to be married to understand about love, acceptance, forgiveness and being kind to each other? I may not be married but I know about the most awesome love in this world. It is none other than God's greatest love for me.

Many times in this life I have done mistakes and I fall. But God loves me so much even at that very moment. He is always patient and kind towards me. He never keep records of my wrong doing. He forgives me and forget all the mistake that I have done. No matter what I have done in this life, He will always love me because this is His very nature. His love for me never makes me want to take advantage of Him and His love gives me strength not to walk in sinful ways again. Who I am today (All the changes in me since He found me) is because of His great love and grace in my life. Dearest, God wants you to love your 'SOMEONE' as how He loves you every day. It is not how your "SOMEONE" loves you; it is all about how you could love your "SOMEONE". Apply what God says, in your life, "Love is patient, love is kind." 1 Corinthians 13:4.

Prayer for Today
Dear Father God, first of all I want to thank You with all my heart for the relationship that I have with You. I truly appreciate Your greatness and the love of Your heart. Your compassion and the graciousness of Your heart have touched my life deeply. Father, I want to love as how You loved me. Teach me how to love and appreciate the special one that You put in my life. Have Your way in me, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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