Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Daddy, Hold My Hand

“For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13

We are living in a world full of challenges and difficulties. It is so easy to slip and stumble if we are not careful in this journey of life. Besides that, all of us have our own weakness that will contribute to our fall many times. Let us admit to Him that we are not strong apart from Him. Each one of us have to humble ourselves and come before the Lord with all our weakness and surrender our lives at His feet daily.

We don’t have to try to walk or do things by ourselves and fail miserably. God, in His loving kindness has offered His help to all of us. He said in His Word, “For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13. All our fears, anxieties, worries, failures and troubles will fade away when we know that the Lord Jesus holds our hand and walk with us daily. What a blessed assurance in Him!

One of my anchor verse in the Bible is, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” Psalms 32:8. This verse talks about His willingness to lead and guide us to do the right thing and walk in the right path. I ask this question to myself, “If I don’t surrender to Him and refuse to let Him hold my hand, how He will be able to lead me and guide me?”

In His loving kindness and graciousness He will never give up coming after us to lead us and guide us, but we will constantly struggle and wrestle with Him. Why? It is because we don’t trust His gentle loving hand to guide us. We fail to understand our Heavenly Daddy’s Heart.

I have done the mistake of walking by my own many times and hurt myself badly. I tried to take up things in my own hands to do it my way but only to end up getting disappointed. Running everywhere just to have people’s acceptance and love but end up being frustrated, feeling rejected and hurt. At the end of that journey, I can only see His two loving arms ready to embrace me again.

Dearest, we need Him and apart from Him we will only end up getting hurt, frustrated and disappointed. Enough of walking pride-fully all by ourselves. Our Heavenly Daddy is waiting to hold our hand again and He is willing to walk with us for the rest of our lives. You cannot go wrong or lost when you allow Him to hold your hand. He will help us to reach our promised land safely. You are not a loser when you surrender to our Heavenly Daddy God but you are a winner actually. You are a winner over self-pride and self-centeredness. A surrendered life is the best life to live for the rest of our lives because He will be holding our life and future.

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