“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14.
I was depressed for a few years because of losing something dear to my heart! Once in my life my hair was everything to me. During my school days often I’ll go to the washroom just to check my hair and comb my hair. Even my teacher admired my hair and she asked me once what I was using for my hair.
Everything started to change after turning 20. Each morning when I wake up I’ll notice so much hair dropped on my pillow and my bed side. I spent so much money to save my hair but nothing worked. I only ended up frustrated, heartbroken and depressed. Friends and family members started to notice the change in me.

I started to feel rejected and I used to think that no girls will like and no one will marry me because I’m bald… I was getting so sensitive and easily offended because of my hurts. I can still remember, during one of my conversations with some of my friends, they ridiculed me and I just stood up and walked away from that place. I don’t blame them because they really do not know what I was going through that time.
But things started to change after 9 years. God began to restore me and set me free from the depression. Day by day I started to gain my confidence in Him. At the age of 29 I was completely bald but the joy of the Lord truly was my strength. God became more real and real to me each day. I was sensing His presence everywhere I go. His sweet presence in my life began to transform me and heal the hurt, feelings of rejection and depression.
God also began to restore my confidence level in Him and I begin to meet people, attend weddings and other functions. Not only that I started to snap many photos of myself and I don’t feel shame to see myself in the picture anymore. The funny part is after I went completely bald many ladies admire and are attracted to me compared to when I have so much hair (This was not said in pride -just for sharing). God healed me so much – even when people ridicule about my baldhead, I no longer get offended but I laugh together with them. That is our God – He makes me smile and put laughter in my heart once again.
Now, I don’t need my hair again and I’m happy to be who I am today. My birthday just past and I’m 31 years old now. All that I want to say with all my heart is, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14. The Lord is my joy, my peace, my happiness and my confidence. He truly made me wonderfully and there is no mistake in the way He created me.
Friends, be happy with what you have right now. Praise Him for who you are in Him. Your confidence should be in Him and not in other things. Truly He has made you and me beautifully and wonderfully. He loves us so much…
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