Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Seek His Face Continually

“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” Psalm 105:4
Often we come before God and pray, “God, I need this. God, please fix that. God, when it’s going to happen? Lord, please change this report.” It’s nothing wrong to ask God of what we want but in our unknown selfishness we could live a life style of seeking His hands all the time. Is Christian faith all about seeking God’s hand alone?

The Bible says, “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” Psalm 105:4. What does it mean to Seek God’s Face? Let me give you an illustration to understand the meaning of Seeking God’s Face. Normally when you look at someone, you will be looking at their face and especially their eyes. When you look at their eyes you will receive a message from them. Their eyes will tell you whether they are sad or at peace. Their countenance will give a message if they are happy or worried. So in other words, when you pay close attention to someone’s face, you actually know their heart and mind.

Likewise, when you are seeking God’s face you are seeking His heart and His mind. It is totally a different spiritual experience and intimacy with God. The more you seek His heart the more you will begin to discern what He is saying. The way you see things will change. You will begin to see through His eyes. You will feel for people through His heart. Many times when I pass by someone, whether it is an unknown or known person I’ll suddenly feel so much compassion for them in my heart. At that moment, I knew in my heart that is how God felt for them. I’ll immediately say a prayer in my heart for them.

Please don’t think that only a perfect person can seek God’s face or His heart. No one is perfect but Him alone. All that you need to do is to come before Him as who you are without wearing a mask on your face. Be honest and truthful before the Lord. The Bible says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Mathew 5:8. Even if you have done any mistake you can always go to Him and tell Him about all your failures and struggles. He is gracious and tenderhearted to embrace you again and again.

My friend, don’t worry about your needs and your heart’s desire. God knows exactly what you need, “for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Matthew 6:8. Desire to have more of Him in your life and when you have Him, you will have all things. In other words, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33. Seek His face continually…

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